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Aims & Objectives

To begin the data analysis process, we will assign the goals, aims and objectives for our project:


Research Question: How are happiness metrics and air quality indices related? And what does this mean in the context of the English North/South divide?


Project goal: We aim to explore the spatial variations in observed/measured happiness levels across the North & South of England and evaluate if there is a significant relationship between low happiness and high pollution levels. While the investigation involves quantitative data, the approach will keep historical context in mind: the reproduction of health inequalities may be attributed to the North-South divide. 


Aim of our project:

  • To assess the strength of the relationship between observed happiness and PM2.5 & PM10 levels, which may help to inform policy interventions in the North and South of England


Objectives of our project:

  • To use regression techniques to inform our quantitative analysis

  • To present our findings geospatially through the use of GIS software

  • ​To provide a basis for further research into minimising health inequalities.

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